A força das cores
Banda Restart apresenta novo show na semana que lança produtos como bonecos, jogo de cama, cadarços e relógios – todos, claro, com cores bem chamativas, característica dos meninos
A avalanche administrada por Pe Lanza (vocal e guitarra), Pe Lu (guitarra), Koba (baixo) e Thomas ( bateria) coincide com o lançamento do novo show do grupo em São Paulo.
A apresentação no gigante Credicard Hall (com capacidade para 6 mil pessoas) contará com nova iluminação, fogos de artifício, tecnologia de ponto, novas brincadeiras e uma canção inédita, composta especialmente para a ocasião.
O talento precoce dos paulistanos de 20 anos é definido assim pelo experiente empresário Marcos Mayanard – que, nos anos 80, lançou nomes como RPM, Capital Inicial e Balão Mágico: “A Restart é uma banda que tem quatro protagonistas. Artistas de talento acima da média como eles geram produtos que se identificam com seu público”, conta.
A dominação, portanto, não fica apenas restrita ao palco e às lojas de discos. Em www.restartshop.com.br, é possível adquirir todas as novidades da banda. E nem críticas ferrenhas, como a de Dinho Ouro Preto, do Capital Inicial, ou Lobão – que os chamou de “aberração da natureza” – parece incomodar.
Marcos Maynard_empresário
Marcos Maynard_empresário
Do RPM ao Restart em 30 anos
BOM DIA_ Como está sendo gerenciada essa avalanche de produtos do Restart?MARCOS MAYNARD_ O processo é gerenciado por mim. As imagens e logos foram aprovadas previamente pelo Koba, também designer da banda.
O sucesso do Restart é similar com o do RPM nos anos 80?É difícil comparar porque são épocas diferentes. Os artistas de rock dos anos 80 foram muito influenciados pelo momento político que viviam, pós-ditadura. A Restart vem de um momento político e econômico onde o Brasil começa a dar certo. Logicamente, as temáticas são absolutamente diferentes, mas se existe alguma semelhança seria que os dois artistas foram e são fenômeno indiscutível de fãsl.
BOM DIA_ Como está sendo gerenciada essa avalanche de produtos do Restart?MARCOS MAYNARD_ O processo é gerenciado por mim. As imagens e logos foram aprovadas previamente pelo Koba, também designer da banda.
O sucesso do Restart é similar com o do RPM nos anos 80?É difícil comparar porque são épocas diferentes. Os artistas de rock dos anos 80 foram muito influenciados pelo momento político que viviam, pós-ditadura. A Restart vem de um momento político e econômico onde o Brasil começa a dar certo. Logicamente, as temáticas são absolutamente diferentes, mas se existe alguma semelhança seria que os dois artistas foram e são fenômeno indiscutível de fãsl.
Não teme uma superexposição da banda?Isso só vai depender dos próprios artistas. Se eles tiverem fôlego para continuar criando músicas que se conectem com sua geração, terão vida longa.
Você se assusta com esse crescimento tão rápido do grupo no meio digital? Não, não me assusta, porque sempre estive conectado com o futuro. Quando dirigia companhias discográficas, fui o primeiro executivo a dar força para o iMúsica, que estava nascendo. Eu já sabia que o futuro era digital.
Quais são os próximos passos do Restart?Estamos lançando pela Saraiva o livro “Restart – Coração na Mão”, o DVD ao vivo e a trilha sonora do filme, que serão lançados pela Radar Records. Além disso, tem o filme propriamente dito, a ser lançado em janeiro de 2012.
Como avalia esse sucesso da banda em tão pouco tempo? São músicos de primeira linha, o que muita gente não acredita. Estudaram em conservatório e se prepararam para a carreira. É uma banda de quatro protagonistas.
The strength of colorRestart concert band presents new product launches in the week as dolls, bed, laces and watches - all, of course, with colors and striking characteristic of boys
If you're not going to colors, they come to you. So that's how the band Restart, "the greatest pop band in Brazil," said Mark Maynard oempresário. The group increased its backing to launch youth-dominated, last Wednesday, a series of products including dolls, laces and bed set - 500 items are already licensed.
The avalanche run by Peter Lanza (vocals, guitar), Peter Lu (guitar), Koba (bass) and Thomas (drums) coincides with the launch of the new group show in Sao Paulo.
The presentation at the giant Credicard Hall (seating 6000 people) will feature new lighting, fireworks, point technology, new games and a new song, composed specially for the occasion.
With only three years of existence, the Restart intends to continue dominating the national pop rock scene. For the next month, a book "Restart - Heart in Hand", the live DVD and soundtrack of the film, which will be released by Radar Records, and the film itself, to be launched in January 2012 by Paranoid Films, the award-winning and directed by Heitor Dhalia Schism, are on the agenda.Whew ...
The precocious talent of the city residents of 20 years is well defined by the experienced entrepreneur Mark Mayanard - who in 80 years, launched names such as RPM, Capital Inicial and Balloon Magic: The Restart is a band that has four players. Artists of above-average talent as they create products that identify with their audience, "he says.
The rule, therefore, not only restricted to the stage and record stores. In www.restartshop.com.br, you can get all the news of the band. Nor fierce criticism, like Dinho Ouro Preto, Capital Inicial, or Boden - who called them "freak of nature" - seems to bother.
interviewMark Maynard_empresário
RPM to Restart in 30 years
GOOD DIA_ How is being managed this avalanche of products Restart?MARCOS MAYNARD_ The process is managed by me. The images and logos were approved in advance by Koba, also designer of the band.
The success of Restart is similar to RPM in 80 years?It is difficult to compare because they are different times. Rock artists of the '80s were greatly influenced by the political moment living, post-dictatorship. The Restart comes from a political and economic moment where Brazil begins to work. Of course, the themes are quite different, but if there is any similarity is that both artists were and are indisputable phenomenon of FasL.
Do not fear an overexposure of the band?This will only depend on the artists themselves. If they have breathing space to continue creating music that connect with his generation, will have long life.
You're afraid that such rapid growth in the digital media group?No, do not scare me, because I've always been connected with the future. When he drove record companies, was the first executive to give strength to Imus, who was born. I knew that the future digital age.
What are the next steps of Restart?We are launching the book by Scott "Restart - Heart in Hand", the live DVD and soundtrack of the film, which will be released by Radar Records. Moreover, it has the movie itself, to be launched in January 2012.
How do you rate this band's success in so little time?Musicians are the first line, which many people do not believe.Studied at the conservatory and prepared for their careers. It is a band of four players.
If you're not going to colors, they come to you. So that's how the band Restart, "the greatest pop band in Brazil," said Mark Maynard oempresário. The group increased its backing to launch youth-dominated, last Wednesday, a series of products including dolls, laces and bed set - 500 items are already licensed.
The avalanche run by Peter Lanza (vocals, guitar), Peter Lu (guitar), Koba (bass) and Thomas (drums) coincides with the launch of the new group show in Sao Paulo.
The presentation at the giant Credicard Hall (seating 6000 people) will feature new lighting, fireworks, point technology, new games and a new song, composed specially for the occasion.
With only three years of existence, the Restart intends to continue dominating the national pop rock scene. For the next month, a book "Restart - Heart in Hand", the live DVD and soundtrack of the film, which will be released by Radar Records, and the film itself, to be launched in January 2012 by Paranoid Films, the award-winning and directed by Heitor Dhalia Schism, are on the agenda.Whew ...
The precocious talent of the city residents of 20 years is well defined by the experienced entrepreneur Mark Mayanard - who in 80 years, launched names such as RPM, Capital Inicial and Balloon Magic: The Restart is a band that has four players. Artists of above-average talent as they create products that identify with their audience, "he says.
The rule, therefore, not only restricted to the stage and record stores. In www.restartshop.com.br, you can get all the news of the band. Nor fierce criticism, like Dinho Ouro Preto, Capital Inicial, or Boden - who called them "freak of nature" - seems to bother.
interviewMark Maynard_empresário
RPM to Restart in 30 years
GOOD DIA_ How is being managed this avalanche of products Restart?MARCOS MAYNARD_ The process is managed by me. The images and logos were approved in advance by Koba, also designer of the band.
The success of Restart is similar to RPM in 80 years?It is difficult to compare because they are different times. Rock artists of the '80s were greatly influenced by the political moment living, post-dictatorship. The Restart comes from a political and economic moment where Brazil begins to work. Of course, the themes are quite different, but if there is any similarity is that both artists were and are indisputable phenomenon of FasL.
Do not fear an overexposure of the band?This will only depend on the artists themselves. If they have breathing space to continue creating music that connect with his generation, will have long life.
You're afraid that such rapid growth in the digital media group?No, do not scare me, because I've always been connected with the future. When he drove record companies, was the first executive to give strength to Imus, who was born. I knew that the future digital age.
What are the next steps of Restart?We are launching the book by Scott "Restart - Heart in Hand", the live DVD and soundtrack of the film, which will be released by Radar Records. Moreover, it has the movie itself, to be launched in January 2012.
How do you rate this band's success in so little time?Musicians are the first line, which many people do not believe.Studied at the conservatory and prepared for their careers. It is a band of four players.